Cosmology and history of cosmos 111

In the deep dark before light came and time began, The One Created the cosmoses and set the Elders to preside over each to prepare it for light. Joining their song with His, they aligned the frequencies of their cosmos with the frequency of the One.

But there was one Elder who felt that his frequency was better than the One’s and aligned his cosmos to his frequency instead of the One. As he did so, he felt new power within him and he set his intention to change the frequencies of other cosmoses. He sang his song very cleverly and some of the other Elders began to sing along with him.

Elders of neighboring cosmoses sounded the alarm and a war broke out between the Elders. the Dark One was very beautiful and charismatic and so many were deceived to their destruction. But most of the Elders were not deceived.

The One summoned those Elders who were faithful and did not follow the Dark One. Summoning the Dark One to the Council. He was stripped of his place after he refused to repent and renounce his rebellion.

Stripped of his connection to the life force of the council and the One, he returned to his cosmos and his plans to absorb the power of other cosmoses by which he would be able to survive.

Knowing the ways of the One, he began to adapt them for his own purposes. He knew the offspring – the Son of the One was going to inhabit at least one of the cosmoses. He would gain access to as many as he could and then wait. If he could trap the Son in one of the cosmoses, then he would be able to steal his power and maybe his place. His capture would deal a deadly blow to the One.

And so, he watched and waited. Enslaving cosmoses and the beings The One had created for each one. for these were always those who liked his song better – and believed his lies and promises until it was too late.

Suddenly, a great light pierced all of the cosmoses. The Dark One sent his best spies to see what The One was doing. They reported that a new cosmos had been created in sector 4. One with a multiverse. The One seemed to be particularly fond of this one – and whispers across the cosmoses began – this would be the cosmos into which the Son would go.

The Dark One was delighted. He went to see how this new cosmos worked. He set many spies to see what sort of creatures/beings The One would create and sent deceiverss to open inter-cosmosal links. Returning to his cosmos, he waited for them to report back.

Deceivers began to come – they reported that there was one place in the cosmos that was beautiful beyond any other place in any cosmos. The light of the One was very bright there. Surely this would be the place that the Son would be sent.

There was a being there that walked on what they called “earth” and he was working with the One to name all the creatures the One had created. The One called him Man.

But Man was lonely. He had not found a suitable helper on earth. The Deceivers had tried to talk to him, but he resonated too strongly with the frequency of the One.

Then the One created she whom he called woman and man was content. Man and Woman create beautiful places where the One had placed them.

The Dark One returned to the earth’s atmosphere. Hovering over the place where the Man and woman were, he shifted his frequency so it was just slightly off from that of the One. He sang songs of other cosmoses and places and the woman began to listen more and more. She grew restless and longed to explore beyond where the one had placed them. And so she was ready to listen to the dark one when he came and invited her to come. And she persuaded man to come with her. Man did not want to go, but he didn’t want to be left behind – separated from woman.

They didn’t get far when they realized that something had changed. They could no longer hear the song of the One. Frightened, they ran back to their garden and hid.

The dark one laughed. He had achieved his desire. Their disobedience and distrust of the one had created a gateway for Him into their cosmos. He need only wait for the Son.

When the Son came, the dark one thought he had succeeded. He foiled the Son even though he had not been able to deceive him. But he had not known the power of the spirit and the son, not only came back to life, the son stripped the dark one of all his remaining power except his power to deceive.

Determined to get all his power back, the dark one used his voice to partner with this favored creation of the one. If he could destroy this cosmos of this place they called earth, then he would be able to gain access to the power of the one that the inhabitants were carrying.

Taking some to his cosmoses, he promised to give them what they desired. It was so often incredibly easy. But he knew he needed even more access. He gave many various technologies from his cosmos hoping for greater links to draw the earth’s energy. But so often the people were so greedy and weak that they were destroyed without implementing the technology.

The dark one didn’t care – they were expendable. He couldn’t understand the value the One placed on them. The more of them he destroyed the better – it was his revenge on the One.

Then a few families arose. So easily persuaded by the dark song. Desiring power to dominate their neighbors. So willing to do anything to achieve power. They worshipped the dark one and the power he promised. The dark one sent Deceivers to teach them and to create alliances so that future generations would be able to use his most recent technology.

They called themselves the sorcerers. Amused, the dark one gave them the prophesy of the sorcerer supreme. The chosen one who would shift the seasons. The greed of the sorcerers continued to increase and they gave themselves over to the darkness to prepare the way for the SuSo

At last, the dark one judged the time to be right and the strength of this child of the union of the two strongest sorcerer bloodlines. He gave the boy a mark and set his Deceivers and spies to groom him to be cruel and strong.

From an early age, the chosen one was taken to other cosmoses and taught how to create pain for others and manipulate them to do his bidding. He was an able and willing student, gathering around him a group of men who were easy to manipulate and control.

When the chosen one came of age, the Deceivers from the dark one came and with the blood of his parents, and many incantations, was anointed the SuSo and given the rings of power with which he could shift the seasons. He and his group called themselves the Season Shifters. 

As the SuSo’s wealth and power increased, the dark cosmos gained power and influence.

Worshippers of the One fought back. But they did not understand the power that they carried. Those with gifts joined together and shifted their focus inward. And the weather of the world grew crazier and disease and sickness ran rampant. 

All but a few forgot who they were.